Over the past two years the RYA has run a Development Squad for team racing, this squad is aimed at the top youth and university sailors. Each year we look to improve the programme of training and provide more opportunity for more sailors to get involved.
We are inviting applications from helm/crew pairs for the 2008 programme. This programme will be run over several weekends, including an initial qualifying weekend.
The application deadline is Friday 30th November 5pm. All applications must be received by the RYA before this date.
Programme for 2008
Lessons learned from previous years:
- Giving a large number of people the opportunity to take part was good
- Later weekend should focus back on intensive coaching for a reduced number
- Selection is by boat, and not by team
- Open teams will not be included in the programme – focus back on Development, with good adult team racers coaching
Qualifying Stage:
72 sailors ideally (max capacity of 96) selected to attend Qualifying Stage.
- provide maximum opportunity to largest pool of sailors
- event held in 24 matched fireflies at Bough Beech ? Kent
- sailors on the water for 50% of the time
- intensive focus on boat handling, boat speed, fleet-racing
- Mon/Tues 7th/8th January
Second Stage Weekend:
36 sailors (18 helm/crew pairs) selected from 1st stage.
- sailors on the water 100% of the time
- intensive coaching focusing on both speed and individual team racing skills
- date 26/27th January