Would your University Sailing Club or UK-based Host Club be interested in hosting the BUCS/BUSA Match Racing Championships?
BUSA would like to invite UK sailing and University clubs to bid to run the 2021 Match Racing Championships on the 10th - 12th April 2021.
We are aware that many clubs are finalising their annual calendars well over a year ahead and are also facing the added pressures of rescheduling events affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. For this reason, bids are being sought by 23:59 on the 9th September 2020.We are looking for a club with experience of running match racing to work with us to deliver this national event, which on average attracts 16 teams from around the UK.
Previously, the event has been held annually in conjunction with the RYA at WPNSA. This year the BUSA committee are excited to introduce the opportunity of new proposals from clubs across the UK to bid to host the event, this includes inland venues. We shall also welcome bids from previous venues and organisations.
Previous BUSA championships have been a great success and continue to grow in popularity. We are looking for a club to host this major student match racing event, which sees the top university teams compete to be named BUCS Match Racing National Champion. This is an exciting hosting opportunity as competition can be fierce and the difference between the top teams very slight, making for excellent and exciting racing.
BUSA shall work closely with the selected host club to support the hosting of a successful event. We are willing to offer guidance to develop a proposal which can deliver a great event, be cost effective and also benefit your club.
For full information and guidance on how to apply, please see our bidding document here
Proposals should be emailed to the BUSA administrator no later than 23:59 on Wednesday 9th September 2020.
BUSA are looking for an enthusiastic club to collaborate with. If this is something your club may be able to deliver it would be great to have an early informal discussion with you to see what is possible.
Please contact Hannah Hunt, the BUSA Match Racing officer if you have any questions.