
Entries are now closed.  Entries received as of 23/03/10 4pm

University Skipper
Glasgow Gavin Dunlop
Aberdeen Jamie Bowie
Bath Ben Martin
Bristol James Goss
Brunel James Thomas
Cambridge Andrew Jackson
Dundee Andrew Knowles
Durham 1 Tom Lewis
Durham 2 Ed Harrison
Edinburgh Thomas Rippard
Galway (Ireland) Eoghan McGregor
Imperial Nicholas Lake
London Tom Smedley
Loughborough Charlie Wilson
Newcastle George Yeoman
Oxford Hendrick Coldenstrodt-Ronge
Plymouth A TBC
Plymouth B TBC
Plymouth C TBC
Portsmouth A Ben Stone
Portsmouth B Ed Impey
Southampton Black Alex Simpson
Southampton Blue Owen D Llewellyn
Southampton Red Cath Jordan
Southampton Solent Black Chris Witty
Southampton Solent Red Oscar Mead
Southampton Solent White Guy Jackson
Southampton White Philip Spicer
St Andrews 1 Ross Watson
St Andrews 2 Alex Nicholson
Strathcyde John Mill
Surrey Nicholas Martin
Swansea Sarah Davies
Warwick 1 Philip White
Warwick 2 Matt Holden

Published 20/11/09

Date:  29th March – 1st April 2010

Venue:  Port Solent Yacht Club/Gunwharf Quay

Entries: Please note that entries for the above competition close on Monday 1 February.   International entries welcome.

You need to complete 2 entry forms (BUSA and Sunsail Charter form)

BUSA Entry Form to be sent to Jess Beecher.  Entry Fee: £150 payable to BUSA.

Sunsail Charter form to be sent to Sunsail.  Charter Fee: £1275 payable to Sunsail.  Damage deposit: £2000 payable to Sunsail.

Teams will only be accepted once all forms are completed and signed off by your AU/Sports Office.

Teams must consist of 8 sailors including 2 women.

Entries will be confirmed by e-mail when they are received in full.

All crew names must be sent in by the 5th March 2010.

Contact details: Jess Beecher, BUSA, RYA House, Ensign Way, Hamble, Southampton, SO31 4YA.  Tel: 02380 604 167 Fax: 02380 604 290  E: [email protected]

Registration:  Registration will take place on SUNDAY 28th March.  All competitors must attend and to produce their university registration / library / matriculation cards to prove their student status.  NUS cards WILL NOT be accepted as proof of eligibility to compete.

BUSA Sailing Subscriptions: All clubs must be members of BUSA Sailing. Entries will not be accepted until Subs are paid.  Subscriptions are due by the 1st November 2009.


NOR and Entry forms are on the Calendar.

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