Dates & Venues:
Qualifier 1: 16th-17th October 2010 @ Royal Northern & Clyde YC (Scotland)
Qualifier 2: 29th-30th January 2011 @ Queen Mary Sailing Club (London)
Finals: 16th-17th April 2011 @ Queen Mary Sailing Club (London)
Qualifier 1:
All entries for Q1 must be received by 4pm on the 13th October 2010.
An entry fee of £250.00 payable to the Royal Northern & Clyde Yacht Club (RN&CYC) is required to enter the event. The required damage deposit is £300 per incident payable to the RN&CYC.
Qualifier 2:
All entries for Q2 must be received by 4pm on the 14th January 2011.
An entry fee of £350.00 payable to the Royal Yachting Association (RYA) is required to enter the event. The required damage deposit is £500 per incident payable to the RYA.
All Teams will only be accepted once the completed form (Skipper name, ISAF ranking and signed off by your AU/Sports Office), entry fee and damage deposit are received.
Teams must consist of 3 to 5 sailors weighing no more than 350kgs.
Entries will be confirmed by e-mail when they are received in full.
All crew names must be sent in by the deadline dates; otherwise you may forfeit your place.
There are only 12 spaces for each qualifier, therefore early entry is recommended.
Universities may only enter one qualifier. For details about entering 2nd teams please see the NOR.
Team changes (between Qualifier and the Finals): The Skipper and at least one crew member must remain the same.
The NOR and Entry forms are on the Calendar and Downloads pages: http://www.busa.co.uk/downloads.php
All entries to be sent to Jess Beecher.
Registration: Registration will take place between 08.00 ? 09.00 on the morning of each event. All competitors must attend to weigh in and to produce their university registration / library / matriculation cards to prove their student status. NUS cards WILL NOT be accepted as proof of eligibility to compete.
BUSA Sailing
Subscriptions: All clubs must be members of BUSA Sailing. Entries will not be accepted until Subs are paid. Subscriptions are due by the 1st November 2010.
If you have any queries regarding the event please do not hesitate to contact me.