Dear BUSA Members,

We hope you are all well, studying hard, and looking forward to the final events of the 2024-2025 BUCS Season.

The final BUCS events also means it is that time again for our BUSA AGM. This year, the BUSA AGM will continue to be held virtually through Google Meet on 24th April 2025 at 6pm and there are three particular topics we would like to remind you about.

Firstly, as per Article 11.11 of the BUSA Constitution; during voting at a General Meeting each Member Club is entitled to two votes. Each member club shall nominate two individuals who will vote on behalf of the club - please provide details for your nominated voters via this form. NOTE: nominated voters MUST REGISTER WITH A GMAIL ACCOUNT.

At the AGM, each vote will be completed using a multiple-choice google form. Only the email addresses of the nominated voters will have permission to complete the forms. The google forms will be set to only allow one response per email address - in order for this to work all of the nominated voters must have a gmail address.

Please nominate your two chosen voters via this link: Click here

Secondly, the AGM is the opportunity to elect a new committee and we are pleased to announce the commencement of the application process for positions within the committee for the upcoming academic year 2025-26. We are seeking individuals with a demonstrated commitment to sailing and a keen interest in contributing to the organisational and operational aspects of the association.

Participation in the committee offers a unique opportunity to influence the development of British University Sailing as committee members are pivotal in overseeing the successful running of events, cultivating a sense of community, and promoting positive change.

If you are a highly self-motivated, well organised, and passionate university sailor who would like to make a difference or contribute to the success of BUSA in 2025-26, please submit an application, here: Click here

Please refer to the 'Role Descriptions' document for full details on each role.

Application deadline: 2359 Thursday 17th April 2025

Lastly, the AGM is also the best opportunity to discuss changes and relevant matters in university sailing. If you, your clubs, or any group of sailors would like to discuss a particular topic at the AGM, please submit a requests/proposal to Karen Rawson ( by no later than 11:59pm on 24th March 2025.

If you have any issues completing the sign-up form or need any more information, please do not hesitate to reach out to us via one of the emails below:

Jake Miller
Karen Rawson

Good luck at any upcoming BUCS Championship events!

Thank you for your support, we look forward to seeing you at the AGM.

Best wishes,

