It’s that time of year where we all need to start thinking about next year. This is your chance to really make a difference and give something back to university sailing, as well as adding some vital experience to your CV’s.
Positions available on the 2010-11 Committee are:
Vice President
Men’s Captain
Ladies Captain
Keelboat Officer
PR/Website Officer
Team Racing Co-ordinator
Scottish Rep
South Central Rep
Northern Rep
Western Rep
Midlands Rep
Some positions do not require you to still be a student (Vice President/Keelboat officer/Treasurer).
Below is a small guide as to what each roll involves, BUT the best person to speak to about what each roll really requires is the person currently doing this roll! All the current committee members are happy to discuss what they do, so please get in touch with them (they don’t bite!)
To apply or nominate someone please complete the form below and return it to me by the 15th March by 10am.
The AGM will be at the BUCS/BUSA Yachting Championships on Monday 29th March, Tiger Tiger, Gunwharf Quay, 6pm.