Teams wishing to borrow the BUSA bibs for their own event this year MUST contact us as soon as possible, as the demand for the bibs has increased over the past few years.

At the moment the bibs have booked for:

  • Cardiff Welsh Dragon – 10/11th December 2006
  • Reading Wet Dream – 4/5th February 2006
  • Exeter Excalibur – 18th/19th February 2006
  • London Duck – 4/5th March 2006
  • ANUSC – 11/12th March 2006
  • BUSA Playoffs, Welsh Harp – 25/26th March 2006
  • BUSA Team Racing Championships – 4th-6th April 2006

To book the bibs, please contact Jess Mapplebeck [[email protected]] and CC to Martin Smethers [[email protected]].

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