After a record number of applications to the BUSA development fund, we are pleased to announce that applications are now closed. Applications will reopen next year.
What is it?
The BUSA development fund is a pot of funding set aside to support projects by university clubs, aimed at developing university sailing. This year applications covered a wider range of projects than previous years, with all of them addressing the aims of BUSA to increase participation, develop racing and training and developing instructors, coaches and volunteers.
Funded projects
Please see the BUSA calendar for timings and entry of events.
Training and developing instructors, coaches and volunteers
Coach development weekend will be run by Strathclyde University on the 7-8thof September.
Increasing participation
Manchester Challenge. An early season training event for social sailors and sailors who like the social, run at West Kirby SC and hosted by Manchester USC.
Luff up. The perfect end of season/ post exam wind down for social sailors and sailors who like the socials. Held in Burton SC and hosted by Loughborough USC.
Developing racing
Southern area team racing training. Run at Spinnaker SC and hosted by Bournemouth USC. Open to all BUSA sailors.
Western area team racing training. Run at Chase water SC and hosted by Bath USC. All BUSA sailors welcome.
Magenta weekend. Plymouth USC will be hosting a two day training event, supported by the Magenta project, in J80s, open to all female BUSA sailors.
Women’s team racing training hosted by Aberdeen USC. Planning the weekend before the Scottish Student Sailing Women’s team racing championships, held in Forfar Loch and open to all female BUSA sailors.
Women’s team racing training hosted by Oxford USC, sailing at Farmoor reservoir and open to all female BUSA sailors.
While applications are closed this year, if you need support getting one of your projects off the ground, or want to talk about developing your club and the challenges inherent in this process, then please don’t hesitate to contact the BUSA development officer