Press Release: 13/12/05
6 teams rocked up to the BUSA RYA Match Racing Qualifier 1 at Queen Mary Sailing Club this weekend to be greeted by freezing temperatures, no wind and patches of fog.
The Race Committee attempted to get teams sailing, which even looked hopeful at one point with 2 knots being registered by the Race Committee, however the fog started to return and the wind evaporated. Racing was cancelled for the day with the hope of better weather for Sundays racing.
Sunday dawned with thick fog and no wind. The forecast was for light winds to come in later in the day so racing was postponed. Eventually at midday the wind looked like it was filling in so the teams rushed to rig their boats. At 1pm the Event Director, Robin Richardson, cancelled racing for the day as the fog returned to the reservoir.
These 6 teams will now have to attend another 1 day qualifier next year, in order to qualify for the BUSA RYA Match Racing Finals in April 2006. The date of this will be circulated to the competitors by the end of the week.
Press Release: 6/12/05
Teams gather for the first BUSA Match Racing Qualifier at Queen Mary Sailing Club, this weekend. This is the first of 2 qualifiers, from which the top teams will be invited to the BUSA Match Racing Finals on the 1st/2nd April 2006.
With many new names in this event, it should be a great learning experience for these university match racing newcomers.
Entries so far include, Charles Bailey-Strong from Exeter University and a top UK Laser sailor, Katie Archer from Southampton University (Volvo RYA Keelboat Programme member and seasoned Match Racer) and Simon Berry from Southampton Solent University who was part of the 4th placed team at last years BUSA Finals.
There are still 2 spaces left, so if you would like to enter a team please call Jess on 02380 604 167 as soon as possible.
The 2nd Qualifier is being held on the 13/14th February 2006 (Monday/Tuesday) and is already filling up. Don’t miss out, enter early!