Karen Thomas is the current BUSA Chair, she works along with the BUSA committee and student sailors across the UK to make the university sailing experience the best it can be.
An update from the BUSA Chair Karen Thomas;
At the end of 2018 we carried out our largest student consultation yet- an exciting chance to hear and collate your views.
Over the past year we have been through a time of change and improvement, guided by our growing membership. To enable this, we have continually referred to your feedback and worked hard to make the changes you asked for.
We have made significant headway with your suggestions and are excited to share the progress made.
The whole Committee is here to serve you, and if you have suggestions, new ideas or feedback we strongly encourage you to contact us directly or contact our administrator, Hannah Peters. This is an exciting time to get involved at any level, and I look forward to seeing you at one of our events soon.
You can view the full BUSA Student survey update here which shows how BUSA are answering the questions from Students across the UK;
1. Understanding of BUSA
2. Committee Ethos
3. BUSA Media
4. Funding availability and support
5. Equal Opportunities
6. Club support
7. Quality of competition
Follow @busamedia to stay up to date with another fantastic year of student sailing!