
The BUSA Team Racing Working Group (consisting of the BUSA Chairman and representatives from Scotland, Northern, Midlands, Western and South Central) have received 4 applications for wildcards for places at the Playoffs.  The applications were from Solent 2, Newcastle 2, Manchester and Warwick 2. 

The Group has voted to award Newcastle 2 and Manchester wildcards.  These teams will now be invited to the BUSA Playoffs held on 5 and 6 March at Birmingham University SC. ([email protected])

Full List of invites to the Playoffs are:

SUSA Strathclyde A
SUSA Glasgow
SUCS Portsmouth 1
SUCS London 1
SUCS Oxford 2
SUCS Southampton 4
West Bristol 1
West Plymouth 1
West Bristol 3
West Exeter 2
North Liverpool 1
North Sheffield 1
Midlands Cambridge 2
Midlands Warwick 3
Midlands Loughborough 1
Wildcard Newcastle 2
Wildcard Manchester 1

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