BUSA / RYA, Match Racing Qualifier 1, 2004 : Overall Results

Team – Skipper Position
1st Place – Southampton University 1, Andy Cornah
2nd Place – Southampton Institute, Mike Henning
3rd Place – Southampton University 2, Nick Cherry
4th Place – Southampton University 3, Ed Males
5th Place – Nottingham University, Chris Dodds
6th Place – Exeter University 1, Ed Surrey
7th Place – Swansea University B, Nick Tippett
8th Place – Leeds University, Ben Tompson
9th Place – Swansea University A, Craig Jones

The Top 6 Teams have now qualified for the BUSA Match Racing Finals on Friday 26th & 27th March at Rutland SC.

If you still wish to enter the BUSA/RYA Match Racing Qualifier 2, please contact me ASAP.

Jessica Mapplebeck, Tel: 023 8060 4167, E: [email protected]

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