This weekend (28-29 October), eight teams arrived at the Royal Northern and Clyde Yacht Club hoping to qualify for the BUSA RYA Match Racing Finals, with Glasgow University sealing the win in the Grand Final
Teams were greeted with pouring rain and a forecast for heavy winds but by they the time racing got underway the rain had started to dissipate and the wind dropped an acceptable force 2-3.
After the first days racing three teams – Edinburgh Uni 1 helmed by Charlotte Lawrence, Glasgow Uni helmed by Griogair Whyte and St Andrews Uni helmed By Chris Berry ? all tied on first place with three wins and one loss. Last years winners, representing Strathclyde Uni 1 and helmed by Alan Lennox finished the first day with two wins and still in the hunt.
Day two brought light winds and sunshine to the Loch and the first race of the day saw St Andrews up against 1. Despite a lively pre start 1 established a clear lead on the first beat and got the win. With pressure to clench a win against Strathclyde building on the team they prepared for the next flight. Glasgow 1 won the pre-start showcasing a talent at backward sailing leaving Strathclyde 1 on course side and Glasgow 1 just on the right side of the line. With a healthy lead 1 then went on to win the race and destroy Strathclyde 1’s chance of winning the event.
In the final Glasgow and Edinburgh 1 lined up in the final race of the round robin in a Hollywood-esque winner takes all scenario. With the wind dying it was down to who could keep the boat moving forward while minimising any manoeuvres. With a close pre-start, sailed off the line to leeward of 1 but proved to have greater boat speed and established a good lead resulting in an event win.
1 Glasgow : Griogair Whyte, Tristan McMillan, Craig MCDOnald, Guy Nicol, Nikki Stewart
2 Edinburgh 1: Charlotte Lawrence, Nick Vigors, Ally Ruthen, Lavinia Paternoster, Katie MacKenzie
3 St Andrews : Christopher Berry, Neil Winter, Anna Pohle, James Whitcomb, Caroline Guenther
4 Strathclyde 2: Chris Noble, Calum Reid, Kirsten Henderson, Padi, Alistair Olson
5 Strathclyde 1: Allan Lennox, Johnny, Elspeth, Acnghis, Ben Howett
6 Strathclyde 3: John Longside, Geoff, Stuart Neil Malcome
7 Dundee : Ed Cody, Ewan McNeil, Gill Malcolm, Edwina Ternan
8 Edinburgh 2: John Murray, John Nilson, Jenny MacGregor, Lib Manser, Al MacDonald
This weekend, 28-29 October, teams from Glasgow, Strathclyde, St Andrews, Dundee and will be arriving at the Royal Northern and Clyde Yacht Club hoping to win the first BUSA RYA Match Racing Qualifier and secure a place at the BUSA RYA Match Racing Finals in March 2007.
There will be particular strong rivalry between the Strathclyde and teams who will be vying for the top spot. Teams from and will be looking to improve on last year’s performance and force their way into the final. will be looking to banish painful memories from last season when they were denied a place at the Finals due to gear failure in the final deciding race.
The top four teams from this qualifier will be awarded a place at the BUSA RYA Match Racing Finals, 17-18 March 2007 at Queen Mary Sailing Club, , where they will meet five teams from the second Qualifier due to take place on the 15 – 16 February 2007.
Teams entered:
1 Edinburgh 1 – Charlotte Lawrence
2 Edinburgh 2 – John Murray
3 Glasgow 1 – Griogair Whyte
4 Dundee – Ed Cody
5 St Andrews – Christopher Berry
6 Strathclyde 1 – Allan Lennox
7 Strathclyde 2 – TBC
8 Strathclyde 3 – TBC
A full report and results will be posted on Monday on the BUSA website. www.busa.co.uk