Following the outstanding success of the JPMorgan Fleming Winter Challenge Match Racing Series from November 2004 to March 2005 we intend to run a similar series this winter. The programme will again be in two parts, the JPMorgan Winter Challenge Weekends and Development Squad Weekends.
The programme will take place at Queen Mary Sailing Club, near Staines, to the west of and very close to . The boats will be six of the RYA J80s with symmetrical spinnakers. The JPMorgan Winter Challenge Weekends will be open to nine teams, four of which may be foreign. Each weekend will consist of a round robin, semi finals and final, weather permitting. The winner and runner up from each weekend will be invited to the JPMorgan Winter Challenge Final to be held in March 2006. The Challenge Weekends and the Women’s Challenge will be ISAF Grade 3 events and the Final will be a three day ISAF Grade 2 event.
The Development Squad Weekends will be open to nine British teams with the winners being offered places in one of the JPMorgan Winter Challenge Weekends.
JPMorgan Winter Challenge Dates
Qualifier 1 19th and
Qualifier 2 3rd and
Qualifier 3 17th and
Qualifier 4 14th and
Qualifier 5 28th and
Qualifier 6 18th and
Development Squad Dates
Weekend 1 26th and
Weekend 2 4th and
JPMorgan Winter Challenge ? Women’s
25th and
JPMorgan Winter Challenge Final
10th, 11th and 12th March 2006
If you wish to enter please apply by email using the Invitation Request Form below. There will be a restriction on the number of weekends entered. Preference will be given to foreign teams in the top 60 on the ISAF Match Racing ranking list and the top 16 British teams on the ISAF Match Racing ranking list. If your request for an Invitation is successful you will receive a confirmation of entry and the entry fee of £100 will be payable to the RYA. This fee may not be refunded if you withdraw.
David Campbell James
Winter Match Racing Coordinator
Email [email protected]
Telephone 01243 641175
Mobile 07714 872008