Dear fellow BUSA sailors,
This year has been a great year for BUSA so far; a successful Fleets run by Warwick, an umpire course, coaching and numerous uni hosted team racing events show how busy everyone has been over the last few months.
Next year is already looking busy, with discounted student entry to the RYA Dinghy Show, Qualifiers, Playoffs and Finals (the latter being hosted by Manchester).
We’re looking into how we can make student sailing strengthen; both in sailing skills, coaching and umpiring opportunities, through courses and future strategy.
If you fancy being part of these decisions and ultimately helping shape the future of student sailing, get in touch with us: [email protected]. Watch out for a funding policy, future 5-year strategy, and BUCS Championship fee structure announcements coming up soon.
Save the date: Get the 11th April into your diaries for the AGM (in Portsmouth)!
Finally, a massive thank you to all the members of the committee; to all those passionate student movers and shakers for creating all the sailing opportunities to date and in the next year.
I hope that you have a festive Christmas and a large new year,
Emily Wiltshire
BUSA Chair