Change of date for the Ireland Invitational Team Racing Championship!
Unfortunately the organisers of the Team Racing Invitational have decided to postpone the event to February 2008 due to difficulties caused by running it on a Bank Holiday weekend.
Still get sending me your cv’s and let me know what events you may be interested in doing throughtout the year. I am planning that the Oxford Magnum will now be the first event in the BUSA Ladies calender and will keep everyone updated on other opportunities and events that we may be doing.
Your Ladies Captain…Jo Brigg.
Welcome back to a new year of university sailing!!
Following the success of last year, the first BUSA Ladies event of the year will be the Irish Invitation Team Racing Championship, hosted by the Royal St George Yacht Club in Dun Laoghaire (near Dublin) on the weekend of the 27/28th October.
Unfortunately there is not enough time to host a trials beforehand so the team will be selected on the basis of sailing CV. If you are interested in sailing for BUSA Ladies please send your CV to me at [email protected] by 8th October. Please indicate on the CV whether you helm/crew/both.
If you are unable to compete in the Irish Invitational but are interested in doing other events please also send me your CV but indicate that you are busy that weekend.
If you want anymore information about BUSA Ladies or the Irish event or have any suggestions you wish to make please do not hesitate to get in touch – either by email as above, or by phone/text on 07835711444.
Get sending those CVs…!
Jo Brigg