It has become apparent from the feedback that has been received since the AGM supporting documents went live, that a more detailed document would be appreciated by the membership. To make this process more transparent, we are now making available a follow up proposal document which evidences the thinking behind our idea development over the last 18 months.
We appreciate the feedback that has been received so far and it is helping us gain a better understanding of the memberships perspective. We are discussing and considering all questions and emails that have been received and taking proposed alterations into consideration. We have created an initial Frequently Asked Question’s document, although we are sure that more questions will come in over the following week before the AGM. Questions and emails received over the last 12 hours may not be included in this document, however will be considered and responded to over the next week.
Please continue to use the google form to ask questions. Any member from any university club can ask a question through this form- we would just ask that you do not put a name in the second box so we do not count you as an AGM attendee.