
Proposals should reach the Team Racing Officer no later than 23:59 hours on Tuesday 1stOctober 2019.

Please complete the Playoff bidding document here.

The place of the Playoffs in the Championship

The Team Racing Championships consist of four ‘area’ Qualifiers (held in England and Wales) on the weekend of 1/2 February 2020 and three Scottish League weekends (held over weekends in November, January and February). From the Qualifiers teams placed (1st-4th) and Leagues 20 teams will qualify to proceed direct to the Finals to be held between 13th- 15thApril 2020. Teams then placed 5th-7thfrom Qualifiers will proceed to Playoffs. Teams placed 1st-8thwithin Playoffs will then proceed to Finals, with a total of 28 teams competing.

The Playoffs will be held on the weekend of 29thFebruary & 1st March 2020

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