
“Well-organised Mess” are first Scottish Ladies’ TR Champs. Laura Bray and Emily Robertson report on the first Scottish Student Sailing (SSS) Ladies’ Team Racing Championships, hosted by Strathclyde Sailing on Bardowie Loch. The Report includes an un-verified claim that the ladies made it on the water earlier than the Scottish League the previous weekend, spent more time racing through an innovative approach to race management, and had an “125-man umpire team”, corks popping on the 6-strong all-male finish boat and a PRO seen googling how to run a TR event, plus Strath Mermaids who do it with legs…as it seems do Helen Gallagher & Mabel Ellerker (sss thumbnail)…. What more could you expect from a ladies’ event in Scotland!

See the full colour (thanks to Moritz Troll) Laura Bray & Emily Robertson report . Photographs courtesy of Moritz Troll

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