The British Universities Sailing Association (BUSA) Committee and the RYA Team Racing Group are keen to find out a little more about British University Sailing Clubs. Please complete this Survey on behalf of your club.
By completing this Survey your University sailing club will be added to a prize draw to win a free coaching day with GBR Team Racing Worlds Manager Jamie Marston. (limited to 1 entry per university) The draw will take place on Monday 16th January 2012. (Note: You must answer all questions to be part of the draw).
If you have any queries, please contact Jess Beecher.
UPDATE: 09-01-12
Universities who have entered the draw: Bath, Birmingham, Bournemouth, Bristol, Coventry, Durham, Exeter, Lancaster, Liverpool, Loughborough, Newcastle, Portsmouth, Reading, Southampton, Strathclyde, Surrey, Swansea, Warwick, West of England.